
BSL Action Plan

At 夜色直播, we are highly committed to protecting and promoting British Sign Language (BSL). As a university which teaches BSL, we aspire to lead the way in terms of responding to the Scottish Government鈥檚 BSL (Scotland) Act 2015.

We aim to provide a BSL-friendly culture, building on:聽

(1) our experience of supporting BSL users as students and staff;

(2) the in-house expertise we have as providers of an MSc programme for registered BSL/English interpreters;

(3) our ongoing work developing further opportunities for BSL awareness-raising at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, 聽through the employment of a part-time lecturer who is a BSL user.聽

Our BSL Action Plan

Our BSL Action Plan is central to our work in protecting and promoting BSL.聽 We are committed to an action plan that is ambitious, responsive, builds on our progress and which is continually shaped by national initiatives, local needs and the priorities of BSL users. Our actions will be embedded into our Inclusive Learning and Teaching Materials Policy and we will continually seek feedback from students and staff, through informal and formal mechanisms.

Please visit our BSL action plan document聽in English or in 听(产别濒辞飞).

See our 'Welcome to 夜色直播 in British Sign Language' video below.